Where To Turn In Cans For Money

Where to Turn in Cans for Money

One of the many ways to generate income while helping the environment is through recycling materials. Among others, aluminum cans are one of the most sought after waste products due to their high value and recycling capacity. If you’ve been wondering where to turn in cans for money, this article covers all you need to know. But first, let’s briefly touch on why recycling cans can be financially worthwhile.

Aluminum cans are always needed because they are 100% recyclable and can be ready for use again in just under two months. Because the demand for aluminum is always high, recycling organizations, and even some manufacturing companies, are willing to purchase these cans. If you have a stack of cans piled up in your backyard, you might be sitting on a gold mine.

But where exactly can you turn in these cans for money? Here are some places you should consider:

Recycling Centers

The most straightforward place to turn in your cans for cash is at a local recycling center. Most centers pay by weight, so the more cans you have, the more money you make. If you’re not sure where your nearest recycling center is, a simple online search should point you in the right direction.

Scrap Yards

Scrap yards also buy aluminum cans and might even offer a better price than recycling centers. They also pay by weight, and while per pound prices fluctuate, you can often find competitive rates here.

Retail Stores

Some establishments, notably in states with Bottle Bill laws, offer cash for cans and bottles. These laws mandate a minimum payout (commonly 5 or 10 cents) for each can or bottle returned to a retailer. Be sure to confirm that your state has such laws in place.

Charitable Organizations

There are numerous non-profit and charitable organizations that collect cans to raise funds. While you may not directly earn cash from this, you’ll aid worthy causes and often receive tax deductions in return.

Reverse Vending Machines

In some places, you can find reverse vending machines that accept cans and bottles. Users are typically reimbursed with a printed receipt that can be redeemed for cash or in-store credit. These machines are often found in grocery stores or shopping centers.

Before you cash in your cans, it may be helpful to separate them by type––it’s often easier and faster to process similar materials at one time. You could sort your cans into separate bags for each type: e.g., beer cans, soda cans, and energy drink cans.When turning in your cans, consider using business banking machines to deposit your earnings. These machines offer a convenient, time-efficient way to manage your money, especially if recycling cans becomes a regular source of supplemental income for you.

While it may not replace your day job, turning in cans for money is an easy way to earn a bit of extra cash while doing your part for the environment. All you need is a little time, determination, and knowing the right places to go!