What You Need To Know Before Getting A Mortgage

By Gloria Morson

In the current economy interest rates on home loans are at an all-time low, and many realize that this isn’t going to last forever. It doesn’t matter if you are interested in making your first home purchase, buying the home you have always dreamed of or refinancing the house you have, doing so right now can offer incredible benefits for your personal portfolio.

There are few things that you need to do before shopping around for that perfect home loan, you need to determine if you are eligible. Today mortgage companies are paying closer attention than ever before to the applicant for a mortgage, they have to be sure that the investment they make will net 15 to 30 years of consistent payments. They want to see a good credit history, longevity in your employment, a significant down payment and they want to see that you are able to make your payments and do it on time. Should you be deficient in any of these areas you could be rejected or forced to take a higher interest rate than you want.

The home loan market has changed over the last ten years and it would be good idea to become familiar with the different options when it comes to types of mortgages and repayment plans, this will help you determine if this is something you are financially ready for. There are fixed rate mortgages that set the monthly payments based on the time period you plan on taking to repay the loan and the payments are not affected by changing interest rates, only the interest rate you agree to when you sign the papers. This allows you to budget your money carefully each month and eliminate surprises, for many this provides peace of mind. There are a few drawbacks though. Generally speaking you are limited to the number of additional payments you can make and you are penalized for early pay off.


There are also variable home loans that provide a few flexible features. While the payment amount each month will fluctuate based on the current interest rates, you are able to make additional payments without penalty. A perk that many homeowners take advantage of with these loans is the fact that you are able to borrow against those extra funds. Variable mortgages also allow you early payoff without penalty.

Knowing what your monthly payments are going to be will help you make a sound financial decision on what type of mortgage to get and your mortgage company can calculate this for you. There are extras that can be factored in to help make owning a home easier for you such as including property taxes, homeowners and life insurance premiums. Your monthly payment will also be impacted by the length of time you want to carry the loan. Typically a shorter term loan will make your monthly payment higher and your interest rate lower, just make sure that you don’t agree to this and then not be able to make your monthly payments.

When looking for a home loan you should also consider a few other aspects. First you want to make sure you are dealing with a reputable company with a proven track record. Do you best to steer clear of startup companies making promises of low interest rates and early payoff options. Typically there is something they are leaving out and those hidden facts will come out when you least expect it and are unprepared for them. Work with someone you feel comfortable with, someone you can ask questions to. Your future is at stake when it comes to a mortgage, make sure you know all the facts before signing any papers.

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Home Loan

borrowing is like once in a life time decision and much is at stake. Home loan practices have changed over the past decade and it is important that you undertake a

home loan comparison

to find out what loan is right for you.



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